
Cinco de Mayo

May, 5th commemorates the sacrifice and the victory of the brave, courageous and tenacious Mexican army against the oppressive French army in 1862 at the "Battle of Puebla." The Mexican army overcame the odds of 6,000 French troops . Although, in America Cinco de Mayo has been confused; this celebrations is not the independence of Mexico. Cinco de Mayo is an exclusive Mexican party. 

Unexplored Land

"The International Luncheon," took place on April 15, in Westchester Community College . The event had a capacity for 50 people, but many students came late to the event - including myself. One hour was not enough to talk about India ; as India is a magnificent, lovely and fascinating country that awaits to be explored by adventurous people. Saris -  a garment consisting of a length of cotton or silk elaborately draped around the body.

I'm not a Social Media Freak

Every day we watch individuals with their smartphones, tables, or laptops. The advantage of those devices is their small size and light weight. We carry our smartphones in our packets. Tables or laptops in small bags. We pay ridiculous amounts of money, so we can have access to the internet, but all we use the internet for is to upgrade our status on Facebook, Tweeter, or other social media page in the web.

Eat & Die

   As I child, I was taught to eat corn with salt and lemon, or with mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, and cheese. My grandmother used corn to create her delicious tamales - A Guatemalan meal made by corn, chicken, raisins and peppers.  I moved from Guatemala four year ago, and I have been attending college the last two years. I have been learning the other uses corn offers in many products.

Death, Destruction, Devastation of our Oceans

The beauty of ocean life is so fragile that a single act can have devastating consequences. Many living creatures need water to survive including human beings. We share the world with many elegant, exotic, glamorous, and colorful animals, however, some selfish and greedy corporations are destroying our environment, contaminating our oceans and polluting the air. Due to their inconsiderate actions the diversity of our oceanic ecosystem is slowly being eliminated. Oceans have many functions, some of which include: being the habitat of many sea creatures, providing 80 percent of the air we breathe, absorbing the carbon dioxide human- beings produce, and most specifically regulating the weather and temperature worldwide

Inner War

Young people listed in the US Armed Forces with the ideology to defend liberty, justice, and freedom.  They went overseas into a foreign land. They fought and some of them fell on the battle field. They will be returning home after 10 years of a brutal and savage long war, but it seems that our brave soldiers will not come back the same way as  they left.

Mi socio mexicano vivia de vacaciones.

Andres viajo de Beijijng hacia la gran muracha china y escucho, a un empresario norteamericano hablar con su socio chino de sus productos. Andres le pregunto al empresario por que no invertia en Mexico u el le contesto que era una perdida de tiempo y dinero porque habia que especializar a su pesrsonal el socio chino agrego"nosotros reinvertimos en nuestras fabricas mientras que Mexico no lo hace". El empresario le conto que enbiaba el dinero de su encargo parta la empresa y solo lo recibian y lo malgastaban en vacaciones, apartementos en la ciudad de Miami y su producto era de pesima calidad. En cambio en China estan dispuestos, envio el dinero y entregan el producto a tiempo y este es de buena calidad."Estamois renobando la maquinaria constantemente y tenemos el personal capasitsdo" dijo el socio chino. El empresario de Indiana sijo "los chinos son mas dedicados que los mexicanos, pero tamben saltan de una empresa a otra, apenas les ofrecen unos centavos ...